Camera Work


Camera Work

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Ridgid Seesnake Camera Work

Ever wondered what lies within the pipes of your plumbing system? BC PLUMBING & DRAIN, INC. now offers camera inspection, which is very helpful when it comes to diagnosing the problem.

Camera Inspection- How Does it Work?

In your home, there are several access ports to your plumbing system. We insert and maneuver the 200 ft. Ridgid Seesnake camera, which is no thicker than an inch, down through the pipes. The camera captures what is inside the pipes and displays it on the plumbers monitor screen. This is helpful because we are able to see the exact location and issue that is causing the blockage.

Benefits to your Camera Inspection

Once the plumber is done analyzing the severity of the problem, whether it be tree roots, clogged leaves, etc. the video is sent to the client to show them what is in the pipe or sewer line. This helps us help you draw a conclusion and move forward with the repair.

Other camera inspection benefits are:


  • Accurate Repairs
  • Early Problem Detection
  • Less Demolition


Call your BC PLUMBING & DRAIN INC. plumber today before it's too late!

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